Saturday, March 5, 2011

Scrapbooking for the last time

I went scrapbooking at the scrapbook store shortly after my last post.  I try to go there at least 1 Friday a month, where I can work on my books uninterrupted from 10 a.m. until midnight.  I usually meet my friends there, but none of them could come that day.  I had heard the store was closing but hadn't really thought much about how it would feel to be there.  When I walked in, I suddenly felt so sad.  The store was very empty with much of the stock sold--empty shelves, blank walls.  There were some ladies there that I knew.  They come there every Friday.  They were taking pictures together and going out to dinner just in case it was their last time to scrapbook together there.  It made me think of all the goodbyes coming up for us.  Made me want to document in pictures all the normal things we do regularly--music lessons, ballet and tumbling, neighborhood Bunco, hanging out with friends.  All the things I don't normally photograph because there is nothing particularly "special" about them.  While they aren't "events," they bring meaning and order and structure to our days.  I need to photograph the time we spend with all the special people in our lives that we see regularly.  For one day soon we won't see those people so much anymore, and those "everyday" activities that we used to take for granted will go from being a part of our present to a part of our history.

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