Friday, January 7, 2011

Snakes, Frogs, and Puppy Dogs

There are lots of snakes in Guam.  The brown tree snake was introduced there and is an invasive species.  There are thousands of them on the island.  There are no birds in Guam because the snakes have eaten 9 of the 12 native species.  I've spoken to people who have lived there and only saw 1 or 2 snakes in 3 years.  I'm hoping I don't see any.  I am not fond of snakes.  They used to get in the electrical units and cause power outages.  Apparently that doesn't happen anymore.  Lance says there are lots of frogs too, frogs the size of dinner plates.  I'm hoping not to see any of those either.  I'm not really into reptiles or amphibians.
I've been dragging my feet about getting a dog.  Ever since our beloved springer/lab mix, Sophie, died in 2005, we've wanted another dog.  I wanted the kids to be older to help care for the dog.  They are older now.  I didn't want to get a dog because I wanted the freedom to travel at the drop of a hat.  That was when we were going to Europe.  Lance says we'll need a dog to keep unwanted creatures out of the house.  Since we won't be traveling so often, it looks like we'll be getting a dog.  We're wanting one that doesn't shed, like a goldendoodle or aussiedoodle, but the groomer advised against taking a puppy to Guam since he'd be in quarantine during prime training time and would be hard to train at 6-8 months old.  Plus there are tons of dogs in Guam--abandoned dogs that need homes.  So I guess we'll be getting one of those.


  1. good job, but can you put some pictures on your blog, y aura t il une traduction francaise?
    Good luck and enjoy!

  2. Je suis en train d'essayer de mettre des photos sur mon blog mais je n'y arrive pas! Tu sais comment le faire?
